Ashura is known as the “true Ashura”, a merciless god of war who wishes to destroy Heaven, Earth, and Hell. His power was sealed away, even distributed among the Six Stars in order to keep his destiny from coming into fruition. Ashura was born genderless as a result of his father, Ashura-O’s sin, and therefore cannot continue the royal line of the Ashura which Ashura-O desperately wished to preserve.
Oh wow, the details of this cosplay is amazing! And I didn’t know Ashura was genderless, but he appeared in Tsubasa – Reservoir Chronicle as female, right? Thanks to Xitin for sharing this!
EDIT: I just found out that this Ashura is cosplayed by Chinese cosplayer, Congtian! Please visit her World Cosplay account and give her your support!
Source: 葱田 (CongTian) on World Cosplay | First seen in: xitin9x on Photobucket
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