A musical adaptation of popular anime and manga series, Kuroshitsuji – Lycoris that Blazes the Earth, will be performing at the Umeda Arts Theater Main Hall in Osaka from November 7 to 10, at Natori Performing Arts Center in Miyagi from November 14 to 15, at Akasaka ACT Theater in Tokyo from November 21 to 29, and at Canal City Theater in Fukuoka from December 4 to 6.
It will also make its way to China at the Shanghai Art Theatre on December 11 to 13, at Beijing Exhibition Center Theater on the 18th to the 20th, and at Shenzhen Poly Theater on from the 25th to the 27th.
This adaptation follows the manga’s popular “Jack the Ripper” arc and will have the following cast:
- Matsushita Yuya as Sebastian Michaelis
- Fukuzaki Nayuta as Ciel Phantomhive
- Uehara Takuya as Grell Sutcliff
- Ota Motohiro as Charles Grey
- Terasaki Yuka as Meirin
- Izumi Shuhei as the Undertaker
I very much like the overall look of the cast members of this musical! Although, I still find musical adaptations to be a little strange, it apparently has a good fan base as this is already the 3rd musical, and it will be making its way to China!
Has anyone here ever seen a musical adaptation before? Is it any good?
Source: Rocket News 24 and Crunchyroll
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