Following the success of the manga and anime, Haikyuu!! will be receiving a stage play adaptation produced by the Hyper Projection Engeki “Haikyu!!” Production Committee. The play is said to be a “hybrid performance” which mixes manga, live-play, and video to create an unforgettable experience for the viewers.
The cast has been announced as the following:
- Kenta Suga as Hinata Shoyo
- Tatsunari Kimura as Kageyama Tobio
- Ryotaro Kosaka as Tsukishima Kei
- Kairi Miura as Yamaguchi Tadashi
- Kohei Shiota as Tanaka Ryunosuke
- Shohei Hashimoto as Nishinoya Yu
- Kazuma Kawahara as Ennoshita Chikara
- Keita Tanaka as Sawamura Daichi
- Hiroki Ino as Sugawara Koshi
- Justin Tomimori as Azumane Asahi
For more information on play dates and ticket availability, please visit their official website! Thanks again to Fumiki for sending this in!
Source: Engeki Haikyu | First Seen in: Nijimen
IceRocket Tags: cosplay, cosplayer, cosplay holic, role, play, roleplay, costume, anime, manga, game, series, character, photographer, photo, photography, feature, haikyuu, haikyu, hyper projection play haikyuu, engeki haikyu, unforgettable experience, kenta suga, hinata shoyo, tatsunari kimura, kageyama tobio, ryotaro kosaka, tsukishima kei, kairi miura, yamaguchi tadashi, kohei shiota, tanaka ryunosuke, shohei hashimoto, nishinoya yu, kazuma kawahara, ennoshita chikara, keita tanaka, sawamura daichi, hiroki ino, sugawara koshi, justin tomimori, azumane asahi, infomation, dates, ticket, official website, nijimen, コスプレ, コスプレイ, ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」, ハイキュー!!
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