23 Temmuz 2015 Perşembe

Trinity Blood: Astharoshe Asran, Augusta Vradica (Seth Nightroad), and Mirka Fortuna

trinity blood cosplay - astharoshe asran, augusta vradica (seth nightroad), and mirka fortuna by kingxmonOk, since I’ve already written about Astharoshe Asran, Augusta Vradica (Seth Nightroad), and Mirka Fortuna in my previous posts, may I just point out to everyone…

Mirka Fortuna, the character wearing pink in this photo?

She is cosplayed by King…

And according to King’s World Cosplay profile

King is a male cosplayer.

A. MALE. Cosplayer.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I will go sit in my corner and cry at my failure as a woman.

Source: 狂間 (zxc3589126) on World Cosplay

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