Previously known as Suzuya Rei, Suzuya Juuzou is a Special Class Ghoul Investigator who feels no pain nor fear. His lack of emotional understanding and fearlessness allows him confront any opponent head on, no matter how dangerous they are. However, this results in reckless behavior, as he even confronted Yoshimura alone when cooperation was necessary in taking him out.
What do you guys think of Hina’s cosplay? I’m really impressed how she captured the crazy innocence of Suzuya in this photo! Please continue to support her through her Archive and Twitter! Thanks to Adam for sending this in!
Source: 陽菜に東巻ください (ひな) on Cosplayers’ Archive Tags: cosplay, cosplayer, cosplay holic, role, play, roleplay, costume, anime, manga, game, series, character, photographer, photo, photography, feature, tokyo ghoul, suzuya juuzou, suzuya rei, special class, ghoul investigator, painless, fearless, emotional understanding, fearlessness, confront, opponents, dangerous, reckless, yoshimura, cooperation, hina, crazy innocence, cosplayers archive, twitter, コスプレ, コスプレイ, 東京喰種, トーキョーグール, 鈴屋什造, すずやじゅうぞう, 鈴屋 玲, 陽菜に東巻ください, ひな
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